Monday, January 4, 2010

Produce: Seasonal and Local

Have you ever thought about what produce you and your family consume on a regular basis that doesn’t come from your neck of the woods? One of the changes we plan to tackle this year is buying more local items, including produce. This is not the change of the week, though—it’s just here to stimulate thought. has an interactive map of the US which is somewhat handy in determining what is local. I say somewhat because according to their map, Indiana’s growing season is dormant but I recall seeing several items at the farmer’s market just a couple weeks ago: rutabaga, carrots, various greens, onions, apples, tomatoes, and various squash. Maybe they’re grown in hydroponic systems: not my favorite but maybe better than importing? I prefer dirt-fed (yes, that’s technical) produce, but I have to think about the previous sentence when it comes to produce regardless of season.

The shortfalls in our house when it comes to purchasing non-local include avocados, bananas, and citrus fruits. In the winter, tomatoes are likely to fall on this list.  However, tomatoes are a rarity in our house in the winter simply because I think they’re gross. I’m very seasonal when it comes to my tomatoes.

What are your family’s must-haves regardless of where the produce comes from? Do you practice seasonal eating? Do you practice local eating?

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